Our Success

Over the last 2 years, we have negotiated more than $100M+ in California tax incentives.

Our Training

We are former Big 4 CPAs, attorneys & government officials with a broad range of knowledge.

Our Experience

We serve across nearly all industries from startups, mid-size and Fortune 500 businesses.

Helping businesses secure funding for
job growth and capital investments in CALIFORNIA

At California Incentives Group, our experts work alongside clients to identify, negotiate and capture select high value California tax credits and incentives. These service offerings are our: CORE CALincentives.

For businesses looking to expand their operations in California or relocate into the state: our professionals will team with you to produce the most efficient and pragmatic approach to capturing the most valuable tax incentives and grants that California has to offer. Because let’s face it, although we love our Golden State…

The simple truth is California’s rising wages, real property values and deep-reaching tax structure can make it a fiscally challenging place to do business.

To combat these challenges and promote economic development and job growth, a variety of California agencies administer dozens of economic incentives. Some of these include: income tax credits, sales and use tax exemptions, grants, discounted loans, tax-exempt bond financing, utility rebates and more.

However, with only so many hours in the day, how does a company’s accounting/tax department determine which incentive(s) are applicable? Which yield the highest ROI? Which should ultimately be pursued? If an incentive is obtained, how would it be implemented into day-to-day operations?

In our experience, this last issue is one of the most critical, and yet unfortunately, the most overlooked. For these reasons, we believe our approach is unique.

We have strategically focused our practice on capturing only the highest value California tax incentives and grants for our clients. But unlike some firms, our efforts continue through a seamless implementation to ensure that the incentives we captured for our clients are actually monetized. These CORE CALincentives are:

We are committed to finding the best solutions for you.

We are former Big 4 CPAs and attorneys with a broad range of knowledge and experience in the area of state and local taxation or “SALT”. We have worked with a wide range of clients from startups, mid-size and Fortune 1000 businesses.

Although our collective SALT experience is broad, we made a strategic decision over the last several years to focus on California’s highest value tax incentives and grants. Namely, the California Competes Tax Credit, CAEATFA Sales & Use Tax Exclusion, California Manufacturing and R&D Equipment Exemption and ETP Training Grants.


$54 million in Competes Tax Credits Awarded to 21 Businesses

June 20, 2020 | CIG Tax Insights

Earlier this week, the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) awarded over $54 million in California Competes Tax Credits to 21 companies—including more than $1 million to clients represented by California Incentives Group. One business had its $18 million award deferred for further review later this month.  These 21 companies are projected to… read more

State Treasurer Ma Visits CAEATFA Incentive Awardees

October 18, 2019 | Government News

Last week, Treasurer Fiona Ma, CPA visited several SoCal-based businesses to get an up close and personal tour of what these innovative manufacturers have been doing since collectively receiving over $33 million in CAEATFA STE funding. These included: General Dynamics-NAASCO (San Diego), Trademark Brewing (Long Beach), rPlanet Earth (Vernon) and Edwards Lifesciences (Irvine). She was also joined… read more

CAEATFA Sales Tax Incentive Receives 5-Year Extension

October 18, 2019 | CIG Tax Insights

After months of hard work from a variety of legislators, businesses, business groups and others, the California Recycling Market Development Act (AB 1583) was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom last week. Authored by Assembly Member Susan Eggman and co-sponsored by a number of parties including several CALincentives clients like rPlanet Earth, Vivotein and The Almond… read more



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Guiding businesses to funding, grants and tax credits that incentivize remaining and growing in California.

Our CORE CALincentives